Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Here is me with my 19 week belly!

Oh, so far to go...

My Children's Chorus

So I've officially started my own little business (with the help of all my mom's ideas and music and resources and everything else. ha ha). Anyway, I have a little children's music group, and we are doing an 8 week session. I've got 10 kids in it, and it's really turning out to be a lot of fun. We'll be doing a couple of shows at the end of the session, so we'll see how those go. Then I'll be doing a 10 week session after that, and hopefully most of my kids will keep doing it. Anyway, I've been a little bit nervous about getting it off the ground, but so far so good. The link to my website is at the top right of this page...go check it out and let me know if you have any friends in Roseville with kids!!

Number 2 on the way!

So, we find out the sex of our new baby on Friday! I'm excited. I'm hoping this will make the pregnancy feel more real. I don't even really feel pregnant yet, and I'm almost 20 weeks! Ha ha. I'm sure that once I have a screaming newborn in my room it will feel real. Anyway, I'm hoping for another girl...but Brad wants a boy (of course). Either will be fun, but I didn't grow up with boys so I'm kind of afraid to have one. I guess I don't really have a choice, so we'll just have to wait until Friday!

Tay with her 2 favorite things...
Ribbit and chapstick.

Our new DVD player in the car
was a hit...dad especially likes the
cordless headphones.

Taylen loves these tights...she wants
to wear them everyday :)

My cute girl! I love this picture.
This is totally her right now.

Yay for blogs!

So I'm going to give this whole blog thing a shot. It seems like all the cool people are doing it, and since my mom thinks I'm cool, then I should be able to do it, too! Time will tell if I actually end up using this. Ha ha.