So my mom found some unusual charges on her credit card this past week and discovered that she was the lucky winner of credit card fraud! Flowers, jewelry, stuff from QVC--all purchases she did not make but were charged using her credit card number. She was pretty upset. I'm sure it's not smart to post all the details on here, but let me tell you the awesome part of this story. My mom called the flower company that had charged her credit card, did a little fibbing (straight Law & Order style), and found the order that had been made using her credit card number--a $114 fruit basket! Don't worry, I'm sure it was diamond encrusted fruit. Anyway, the order had already been put together, so it couldn't be cancelled.
But it had not been delivered.
So (not about to let crazy Credit Card Stealer reap all the benefits of stealing her card) my mom (let's call her Awesome Lady from here on out) promptly changed the delivery address...TO MY HOUSE! Haha! No sapphire studded fruit for you, Credit Card Number Stealer!
So this arrived at my house this afternoon:

Definitely not sparkling with diamonds, but still pretty sweet. Way to go, Awesome Lady. The funniest part is the rad (yes, I just said rad) note that came with the basket (I blurred out the company name):

Wow, what a bummer, but I hope you enjoyed that $110 garlic cheddar and licorice (Doesn't that sound yummy together!?) I'll bring my real-used-as-a-prop-for-Addie's-one-year-old-birthday-invitation cake, and we'll sit down with that, the nuts, oranges, garlic cheese and licorice. Yum, yum, what a feast.
I miss you. Please come try out for America Idol in Salt Lake!
That measly basket of fruit cost $114? What a rip off...oh yeah, it was a rip off!
Funny. but probably a bad idea. now that you've received it and your mother had contact with the flower company and altered the order SHE is technically defrauding the flower company if she claims that charge as fraud to her credit card comanpany even if the order didn't origniate with her. ouch. so funny, but...
just a thought.
Oh my gosh that is so crazy. That is pretty awesome that you got it instead.
Poor Leroy will have some "splaining to do" when he "forgets" her birthday.
That is the funniest story ever!!!! Your mom is great!!!! Enjoy the fancy food.
Sister J
Oh my gosh...are they gonna catch the guy that stole her card number? What if he tries to keep charging on her card? People are so messed up, your poor mom. I hope that never happens to me. :-0
Oh anonymous...thanks for looking out for my mom. She was completely aware of that when she did it, and she's not going to claim that charge on her fraud report. In her own words, "It's worth $100 just so that creep doesn't get that basket!"
So there ya go :) Funny wins.
first of all, who sends their girlfriend a basket of fruit of their birthday? random. and you're mom/awesome lady is hilarious! yeah for funny winning! :)
and on a more serious note...I hope she gets the whole credit fraud thing taken care of. that happened to my mom and it was a nightmare for her.
Wow, I guess when it is your money, you don't care what you send because that is not worth $100 dollars, not even close-more like $10
wow...go awesome lady!! SHe's got some guts for doing that! Me I'd be too mad to think about doing something that smart! That is SMART!!! Go awesome lady!!
That is seriously one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. And the fact that the guys name was can't make up stuff that good!
Kudos to mom for finding some humor in this... :)
that's hillarious- sad for your mom, but seriously. leroy, get yo' own cash.
way to go auditioning for american idol! i've never known anyone to do that! not that i actually "know" you, but you know..
so I know you dont know me, but we have a lot of the same friends. I was wondering... Is trying out for American idol worth it? I was thinking of trying out in salt lake but I dont know if I want to wait for hours and hours while my baby is with a sitter and then sing for 10 seconds and go home. What do you think? Can I ask what you sang or what song choices they liked?
Leroy is a Loser! I can just picture what he looks like. Kind of thinking he's a PIMP with big gold chains. Living on other people's dime.
Good for your mom, looking for the bright side of a crappy situation.
Okay so I totally had my credit card number stolen a few weeks ago!! My nasty thief girl had a hay day at Victoria's Secret and spent $3oo there!! then they spent another $100 or so at Lane Bryant and Payless Shoes! HAha!! Luckily my bank caught it and took the charges off!! Whoohooo!! Hopefully they caught her. Anyways, great story!! Your mom is AWESOME LADY!!
That is one crazy least your mom made it work to her advantage! And what a cute and humorous way you have of looking at things! I love reading your blog!
Oh my goodness... Laughing hard. I can totally see Awesome Lady doing that.
Oh my goodness... Laughing hard. I can totally see Awesome Lady doing that.
Oh my goodness... Laughing hard. I can totally see Awesome Lady doing that.
ouch, your poor mom. fraud is NOO fun. but way to stick it to dang leroy!
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