So Taylen was on one today, and she had me either laughing at her or screaming at her the whole time. I thought that in honor of her freakishness, I would post some of the random things she said today. Just today. This does not include weirdness from previous days (that would be too overwhelming for the general public, I'm sure). So here goes...
1. "I'm cleaning the toilet so we don't pee on the grodies."
2. "My feet is turning into a slinky."
3. "I'm a beeeeautiful butterfly. But it's a secret."
4. "Mom, I peed aaalllll oveerr your tile...." (said with a sweeping hand motion to indicate said tile)
5. "We're both silly, Mom. Yay for sillies!!"
6. She was completely disobeying me at naptime, so I told her that she was going to get a spanking, but I aimed a little too high and got part of the small of her back. She started to laugh and said, "Mom, you missed my booty!" I'm glad she takes my authority seriously.
7. "It's not fair." (said after everything when she's in a bad mood)
8. "Mom, will you go away please?" (hey, at least she's polite about it)
9. "It's fair that I wake up now." (said when she decided she was done with her nap, though she never quite made it to the actual napping part)
10. *singing this one while eating peaches, just picture it* "Squish the peaches, squish the peaches, wipe it on your shiiiiiiirrrrrttt..."
And finally...
11. "Leave me alone cuz I'm dying." (i have no idea...)
So there ya go. Now you can all taste of the joy that is Taylen. Let the envying begin. :)