Ryah is now 20 months old. Crazy! She is seriously at the cutest little stage right now where she's starting to talk and be goofy and I just adore her right now. Not that I don't always adore her...but...actually...I don't always adore her. haha.
Always love her? Yes.
Always adore her? Hard to do when she's pouring her yogurt off the side of her high chair all over the kitchen floor and rubbing it in her hair. Not so adorable. :)
Anyway, here's just a little video of her waking up from her morning nap. Apparently she was not in the mood to showcase her animal noises, but fortunately pointing to various body parts was on the Things Ryah Can Do Today List, so she shows that talent off quite nicely. My favorite thing that she says right now is "be happy," which she picked up from the song Don't Worry, Be Happy, which I play around the house pretty much every day. Again with the adorable.
So enjoy the little video of my Bearsy Girl--scraggly hair and pj's included. And sweet, sweet disposition. That happens to be included, as well.
Lucky me. :)
**By the way, this is my 200th post on this blog! Holy cow, I've been doing this for a long time.