Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm Mature

So this is a favorite book of Taylen's, and it talks about the importance of reading to your kids (or bunnies, whichever). And last night we got bored and started changing what we were reading to. So we did, "read to your alligator often" and "read to your monkey" and on and on. Then we got even more creative and started reading to objects, such as "read to your umbrella," etc... Then we landed on the funniest of them all, and I'm going to share it with you. I seriously haven't laughed so hard in a long time, which is a signal to me that I need to get out more. I hope you enjoy this as much as Taylen and I did:
Read to your poop often.
It's twenty minutes of fun.
It's twenty minutes of moonlight,
It's twenty minutes of sun.
Twenty old-favorite minutes,
And twenty minutes brand new.
Read to your poop often,
And your poop will read to you!
Haha! And you know you're all laughing right along with me. Sickos.


brooke said...

LOL...I totally laughed out loud to that one. Love the creativity Nikki!

The Yeamans said...

Guilty as charged! I am a sicko...Thanks once again for making my day! :)

Anonymous said...

um...I tried leaving a comment but I think it didn't work. So if it ends up being on here 3 times, sorry. But I have always thought poop was a funny word. Aaron and I still make poop jokes and we can't blame it on our baby yet. I liked your story.

Julia Kelly said...

haha! why is poop so funny?!? thanks again for making me laugh.

Anonymous said...

You are SO twisted!!! I've got to spend more time with you. :)

Suz said...

Nik, you are one of few people who could post your testimony one day, and then post about poop the next! :) I love it! And totally laughed. Payton always says that any characters in a book that are sitting down are "pooting!" It's so funny. I guess that is really the only time he ever sits down, so it kind of makes sense.

Cathi said...

Hey, I thought only boys and moms of boys laughed at "poop" jokes! Great to know I'm in good company. You guys are so funny! I too, love that you share your testimony and your poop stories, keep it up!

Kristin said...

If you can find ways to giggle with your kids, whatever it takes right? I love it! And I think you are an amazing Mom!