I've gotten a few complaints from family members that they haven't seen much of Ryah Bear lately on the blog.
So here's the quick update on her:
She turned 9 months this past Saturday, she's got 2 bottom teeth (and gnawing on EVERYTHING...more teeth are on their way I'm sure), and she just recently started standing up by herself. All she wants to do is stand up. Me and her duke it out when she's in the bathtub because she just keeps standing up, and I keep sitting her down, and she eventually gets really mad at me. She is just the cutest thing!
Here's a video of her new trick (which is standing up, so don't expect too much from this)...
The Shoe Cobbler
Happy Monday, friends! Christmas week! Wahoo!
We went with the Husband's family (all 15 children in his family + 55
grandchildren) to a cabin this weeken...
10 years ago