So, I REALLY want a new digital camera. A nice one. I've just got a little one that I've had for 3 years, and the battery always falls out and it's all scratched up, and it's just getting to be time for a new one. Having nice pictures is important to me, because one day that's all I'll have to remember how sweet my girls are right now.
I obviously don't have tons of extra money for a super nice camera, but I'm willing to sacrifice a little so I can get one. I think I might ask my relatives to pitch in to a "Nikki's Camera Fund" for Christmas instead of gifts. And I know Christmas is far away, but I'm starting my research early.
So, for all of you out there who have nice cameras (Jenny MorphDorph, Cathi, Chantri, and I'm sure there are more of you)--what kind of camera do you have, and what are the pros and cons? I want one that's got a good auto setting so I can use that while I learn the other stuff. But eventually I would love to be able to set it manually and use different lenses and things.
Give me the goods. Let's hear it.
The Shoe Cobbler
Happy Monday, friends! Christmas week! Wahoo!
We went with the Husband's family (all 15 children in his family + 55
grandchildren) to a cabin this weeken...
10 years ago
Oh FUN!!! I love talking cameras. So i'll be e-mailing you with my would be entirely too long to put it in this comment. So as soon as I get a few seconds to unload I will!
Hi Nikki!
I ran into your blog completely on accident, but thought I would drop a line. I know your family better than I know you, but I do remember you. I took singing lessons from your Mom for a couple years, and did children's chorus before that when I was a wee lad. I still remember those songs. "It's SATURDAY, can you feel the thrill of it!?" Haha
Your blog is so fun! I love all your posts, and from fellow writer to fellow writer, you very talented!!
Now, about the cameras. I just upgraded from a Canon Rebel (GREAT starter camera) to a 30D, which is AMAZING! All canons are so easy to use and take wonderful pictures in both automatic and manual. Very easy to learn. I also just bought a new lense, and let me tell you, I LOVE all their lenses.....
There's my two cents! Have a good one!
Erin (Haynie) Nelson
I totally can't afford it, but I really really really want a Cannon Rebel. They are awesome. They are digital but have like no delay when you take the picture. I hate on my digital that by the time the picture snaps the cute moment is over and my kids are no longer smiling. They are super easy to use but also have lots of cool stuff for the brave ones of us who want to learn how to use them.
Good luck getting a cool camera! I have no idea about those things, but agree that I love pictures and look forward to looking back at them to remember how cute my little ones are.
My new one is the Canon Rebel XSi. There are older models that probably would be been just fine, my brother talked me into the newest one. I honestly probably wouldn't have known the difference. Except the new kit lens has the IS (Image Stabilizer) feature on it, which is wonderful. I really hope you can get a nice camera for Christmas! I hear the Nikons are really nice too, you will find lots of Nikon fans that will confuse you and then you won't know which one to buy! Nikons are a bit cheaper, which might influence your decision. Good luck!
I think the Canon Rebel XT or XSi would be a great camera for you! You can find the XT's for like $300 these days. They are supposedly easier to use than the XSi's but that's just what I've heard. The next step, 30d or 40d is going to run you $700 to $1000. If you're on a budget and really just taking pics of your family and not professionally, the Rebels are awesome!!
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