I have been overwhelmed with a feeling of being loved this past week, and especially the past few days. People all around me have been giving of their time, means, and friendship, and it has really been extremely moving for me.
It was a year ago this month that I told Brad things with us were over, and so Christmas time brings with it many strong emotions for me. I have been reflecting on my life this past year, and I can hardly believe that a year has gone by, it seems to have gone so quickly. Yet at the same time, last December feels like a lifetime ago. Like a different world, a different person... So strange. So sad. So hard. So testimony strengthening and growth inspiring. So many thoughts, and feelings, and moments that I can't even put into words...like there are no words strong enough to convey what its really been like this last year for me.
And I survived. I am making it, one day at a time. I am much happier this December than I was last December, and I can hardly wait to see what next December will bring...
Anyway, back to the L.O.V.E. overflowing that I was talking about. I have been deeply touched by the kindness and generosity of those around me recently (all year, really, but specifically recently).
It seems like at least once a day I find myself in tears as I am overcome with gratitude for the generosity and kindness of people in my life. Thank you, thank you. Words really can't express how deeply I have been affected by your friendship and generosity.
So, it's Christmas time. And what does that mean? The 12 Days of Christmas!! My family did this a few times when I was growing up, and it works like this (for those of you who may be unfamiliar): We would secretly pick a family who might need some extra love around Christmas, and then on each of the twelve nights leading up to Christmas day we would drop a present off at the doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run and hide. It's a fun way to spread some Christmas cheer. I hadn't realized that Christmas was so close (is anyone surprised? I'm a basket case right now), until I got doorbell ditched a little surprise on Saturday. It was the first gift of twelve, one for each night of the twelve days leading up to Christmas.
So today was the third day I've gotten a gift left on my doorstep (I'm going to catch you up on the past three days), and I really can't say how touching each of the notes and gifts have been. I seriously have cried every night as I've read them.
Just tears of gratitude. And because I've felt loved. And I think these have been so touching because the love I feel from whoever has been doing this has reminded me, in a very poignant way, of my Heavenly Father's love for me. I have been reminded that He is aware of me, and that He has put people in my life to help ease my burdens. It is really overwhelming (in a good way) to think about.
Anyway, I would like to share the first three days of Christmas with you. I hesitated posting these, because they have been very meaningful to me, and I almost don't want to desecrate them by posting them. haha. Sounds weird, but you guys should be used to weird by now.
But, I really think they are beautiful, and so I decided to share with you!
Day One:

Fitting for the night of laughter...this is the ornament from the present that Taylen insisted was a cookie. Please notice the two bite marks. That's right, TWO. She went back for more...haha.

"For Brooke. Wear this next time and you'll catch him!"
That's right, people. A CUSTOM MADE
That's right, people. A CUSTOM MADE
hahahahahahahaha! Oh man, we laughed hard.
Well done, Secret Santa. Well done.


And a book to write funny and memorable stories about my kids in, to bring "an abundance of joy and laughter...a cure for any ill."
And as I type this, here come the tears again...sheesh.
Absolutely perfect First Day of Christmas.
Day Two:

"For tears cleanse the soul to let healing begin."
And my soul is definitely being cleansed at the moment... :)
This night came with a "tear blanket," and thread with a note that said "Write your own soul cleansing words on this tear blanket." The words "joy" and "love" were already embroidered on it...

Day Three:
An adorable book...

"For tears cleanse the soul to let healing begin."
And my soul is definitely being cleansed at the moment... :)
This night came with a "tear blanket," and thread with a note that said "Write your own soul cleansing words on this tear blanket." The words "joy" and "love" were already embroidered on it...

The perfect Second Day of Christmas... :)
Day Three:
This one was especially powerful to me tonight...
At the bottom of the note it says to take five minutes of peace and sigh in the bubbles...
At the bottom of the note it says to take five minutes of peace and sigh in the bubbles...
And they left some yummy bath stuff.
An adorable book...
(seriously, if you are a mother of young kids you would appreciate this book)
Taylen massages my back and Ryah takes care of my feet.
That's realistic, right?
The perfect Third Day of Christmas... :)
And you'll have to stay tuned for Day Four tomorrow!
to whoever is doing this for me and my family.
I really can't express how deeply I've been touched.
So so so sweet, and personal and just... awesome. I am totally crying as I read this. Isn't it wonderful to have the reminders of love and goodness? I can't say what everyone else hasn't already said, but HF knows you personally. He knew that you needed this, and He touched a family with that prompting. Just so awesome and humbling and sweet.
wow. i can't even imagine how that must feel for you right now. oh happy day. :)
This is so sweet!!!
Hey Nikki! I found your blog through Arica's...and at what a great time. What a touching post. Such clever and thoughtful ideas to show love for you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing, even though it is so special to you. P.S. your girls are absolutely adorable! :)
Wow! Each item is so much more than a gift, whoever is doing this put so much thought into it. You are loved.
What a wonderful person to show you the love you deserve. I love you tons! You inspire me so much! Know that we are thinking of you and your beautiful girls at this special time of year!
You are lucky in love in so many ways. Those are very thoughtful gifts.
Nobody deserves this more than you.
Hey Nikki! I wanted to say I was truly touched by this post. Amy Kaye and I have such fond memories of you! Everytime we hear the word "bumblebee" we remember singing the bumblebee warmup at choir practice! I will say we have not sung in another ward choir since then because no teacher has measured up to you! I know it's been so long but if you ever need ANYTHING please don't hesitate to ask. We are across the country but will lend help/support in any way we can. Our prayers are with you and your adorable girls!
steve, amy kaye & isabella
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