So I'm looking for advice here...
When Ryah was a baby she was TERRIBLE. She literally cried all the time. I tried a bunch of different kinds of formula, and when I finally put her on soy formula she was like a different child. My doctor told me to start her on regular cheese and yogurt at 9 months, and regular milk at 12 months because most babies outgrow their sensitivity to milk products.
So at 10 months I gave Ryah her first taste of cheese. She chowed it down. She then threw up all through the night (which I didn't notice until later), and 4 or 5 times at church. And I'm talking projectile vomit. And in Relief Society she was literally choking on it...I had to take her out of class and everyone was concerned that she wasn't breathing. It was so scary. She never had a fever, but threw up 3 more times that day. And then she was fine.
Fast forward one week, she throws up at daycare. No fever, acting normal, and nothing else after that.
Fast forward to last thursday, she throws up in the morning, no fever, acting normal. (Mind you this is not spit up...there is a distinct difference. It is slimy, and has that acidic smell...definitely throw up.)
Fast forward to today: I'm at work and get a pohone call from our day care girl who says that Ryah has been sleeping all morning, then threw up a ton, and has a 101 degree fever.
What is going on with this girl?! In the last 2 weeks she has thrown up close to 20 times! I am leaving work soon to take her to the doctor, and I really think this is more than a bug. I think she's got some sort of food allergy (possibly dairy), or something that's just not quite right in her little body.
And don't even get me started on my health insurance right now...that's for another post. Anyway, I just hope that this is nothing serious...