I've been meaning to post something like this for a while, and just haven't gotten around to it. The past few months I've had quite a few people that I don't know post comments on this blog. Some of you knew Brad, but not me. Some of you found me through friends of friends (hey, we've all done that. Personally, blog stalking is one of my favorite past times...not gonna lie). Some of you have no connection to me at all but you just happened across my blog. And for every one person that doesn't know me but is brave enough to comment, there have got to be at least a couple who read this blog regularly but are not brave enough (or inspired by what I've written enough) to post a comment. Like rats. For every one you see, there are 5 you don't see. haha.
Anyway, I just want to say that I LOVE getting comments from you all. Even if I don't know you. Especially if I don't know you. It is comforting and uplifting to know that the things I'm experiencing or thoughts I'm having can be inspiring to people who may be going through trials of their own. Or who are just interested in reading what I have to say. Or to hear that I'm not alone in thinking or feeling the way I do. KEEP THE COMMENTS COMIN! Right now as I'm writing this I've had 97 views on this blog today from all across the country, with only 4 new comments...I know you're out there, people :). You might as well say somethin.
I think the internet (and blogging specifically) is a great way to make friends and connect with people who have similar experiences you have had. And it feels sort of anonymous...doesn't it? When I'm writing a post, I feel like I'm just writing in a journal or something. It wouldn't be as easy to be so candid face to face as it is blog to blog. :)
And this is why I'm starting another blog. More than me blabbing away, I want it to be a place where anyone (even if I don't know you) can comment and share ideas and meet people who may be going through similar things. More of a public place, rather than a family brag book :).
So thank you to all of my new blog friends who have been brave enough to post without knowing me personally. To name a few of you: Chantri Keele (you are SO talented, by the way, and I'm going to email you back someday), Elaine Williams (Congrats on your book coming out!! I am actually writing a book, too. We should talk), Cordie (I don't mind, I'm glad you enjoy my blog), Brooke Thompson (I'm also going to email you back), Sarah Harrison (hello, I worked in your dad's dental office in high school, sweeping up crud and cleaning instruments), Karli Cleaver (also on the "to email back" list), Abby Eaton (loved your comment, thank you.), Anonymous Elk Grove Ward Member (i laughed out loud at your "I'd be on the couch making love to Ben and Jerry" comment! haha), Julia (@Serendipity), Meghan Young (of course I remember you, and i LOVED your comment about me going to grad school), Cami (who lives in my townhouse in Rexburg...or did when she commented...it's been a while), Tashi (sister to Meghan, yes I remember you, too. And your three legged dog. Why do I remember that?), Liz (Suz's mom), Amanda (and Noah, thank you SO MUCH for your emails. I need to write you back), and a bunch of "anonymous" ones that I appreciate, too. If I left you off this list it was unintentional...I just wanted everyone who has made the effort to comment to know that I really do appreciate it, and count it as a blessing in my life that I can feel support from people I don't know well or at all.
Let's get excited for the new blog!
...Stay tuned...
The Shoe Cobbler
Happy Monday, friends! Christmas week! Wahoo!
We went with the Husband's family (all 15 children in his family + 55
grandchildren) to a cabin this weeken...
10 years ago
I clicked through to your blog from Hinson's blog. Our family is new in the ward.
I'm working on a work/blogging project that's Church-related, and looking for someone who likes to blog and might be interested in doing it as a "job." You definitely seem to like to blog!
Or maybe you know someone else who might fit the bill..
ok, so i had to respond. guilty as charged-- i'm one of the blog stalkers who checks in on you ever once in a while to see how you and the kids are doing. i really care about your family's well being, which seems strange to me, seeing as i don't really know you. i guess that's why i don't comment, even when you've touched me deeply because of my own major trials. i'm envious of your strength and optimism, and wish i'd handled my trials with as much decorum as you've shown. you truly are at the start of a journey that will make you the woman you're meant to be, and you're wise to document it. i wish i'd done so during my darkest hours. hang in there and know that you're very special (and that's coming from somone who has no reason to blow smoke you know where...)
This happens to be MY first time on your blog, so I'm leaving a message to avoid feeling like a RAT. Found this thru facebook. Love everything I see. You and Amber have similar styles to blogging - chuckandamber.blogspot.com
Ok, so you will now have one less "rat". I came across your blog some how, don't remember exactly how.
After being in what should have been a very serious car accident last Sept my husband decided that he simply did not want to be a husband anymore, and that he was missing out on some fun times with his single friends. (WAY to much info for a HI I am a blog stalker comment, but I thought that the reason was important.)
Anyway it was nice for me to go and read a blog and see some of the some frustrations that I was having someone else was having, and some days just sucked, and that your kids made you smile just like mine did. I also have 2 small children, so I could relate.
Things have gotten better, and through lots and lots of counsiling we have worked through a lot of things.
I keep checking in on you and your beautiful kids. Your entries make me laugh, they are very clever and witty!
PS --- your a great mother!!
now i feel guilty. Yes, I too have been checking your blog. I don't think you know me but I sorta know you- my husband played ball with the Marquardt's and Tressa Fischer is my husband's cousins wife (got all that?) ha. Anyways, I came across your blog from Tressa's and noticed how adorable your girls are and got sucked in from there. You truly are an inspiration to anybody that reads your blog. What a strong woman you are and such a fabulous mother. I wish you all the best.
Haha...none of you should feel guilty! That so wasn't the point! Brandi, thanks for your sweet comment...I hope you'll feel comfortable commenting more. Caroline, I totally remember you. I'll try and shoot you an email sometime. Steve...send me an email with the specifics of what you're talking about. Amanda, thanks for sharing. I hope things are better, and that you continue to get something from this blog (even if it's just mindless entertainment :) And Nikki, it looks like we've got connections from a couple places, including our name! I love the Marquardt boys, and Tressa!! Funny how many people you're connected to when you think about it. Thanks for your comment.
Hey Nikki, I read your blog often, I went to highschool with you... Hillarie Marshall, now Coleman. Anyway just wanted to say that I think you are a strong woman. Good luck with everything.
Hi Nikki,
I have been going back and forth whether to comment and admit that I am in fact a blog stalker. I have been checking out your blog for a while now and have been so inspired by your posts. Of course it's easier to read and just keep this dirty little secret that I do in fact blog stalk. But here I am posting a comment, admitting to the world that I am in fact a rat!! :) I am so glad that you are starting another blog. You always have such wonderful insight into things. I am so happy that you are going to school to be a MFT. That is what I am hoping to do one day! Thank you for not caring that you don't know me and that I do in fact look at your blog a couple of times a week! I'm sure you'll be hearing more from me!
I'm glad you commented...I appreciate it! And I'll let you know how grad school goes, I'm starting to get nervous. Fun that you want to be an MFT, too. I look forward to hearing more from you!
I started reading your blog because I linked it from a friend's blog (Emily Rudy). I liked how honest you are in your blog. I am glad you don't mind a stranger reading!
Hey I was wondering if you could do a post on how to get the timing thing on last updates from other bloggers???? example....4hours, 1 day ago. That is the best idea...then you don't have to click on everyones blog everyday....THX! I love your blog!
never mind I figured it out.:)
Amanda, I'm glad you commented. Thanks for appreciating my honesty. Sometimes I feel like I should edit my feelings a little better, but I never end up doing that. Thanks for your comment.
Vic, Linds, and the girls,
Glad you figured that out :) I just noticed the new element the other day, and I LOVE IT. Saves me so much time. Also, I went and looked at your old, non-private blog, and noticed that you have a daughter named Taylin? You probably noticed, but my oldest is Taylen...haha. Awesome. I love that name, and I have never heard it before! Awesome mom minds must think alike :) Thanks for commenting.
Definitely don't edit your feelings. That is one reason I kept reading your blog after skimming over it - you showed such strength and optimism in a difficult situation.
I look forward to reading your personal blog (if you do one).
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