Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh man.

So today I busted out my running shoes for the first time in a year. One year!! Oh exercise, how I've missed you.

I started out enthusiastic. Day off work, kids with their dad, feeling pretty decent about life. The air was chilly, good old Regina Spektor la la la-ing on my ipod. I ran for a good 30 seconds before I felt the burning.

It did not go away.

A solid 20 minutes later I was done. And I mean, good and done. Legs shaking, throat burning.

Really? How pathetic am I??

Pretty darn pathetic, it turns out.

It's now been 2 hours since my intense workout, and my legs are already stiffening and my throat still hurts. haha. Tomorrow is not going to be pretty.

And to my running shoes...don't get your hopes up. This just might be a once a year rendezvous.


emily said...

Oh this brings me so many memories...i love it!

Rachel Wattson said...

Don't give up. The first is always the worst:)

Karli said...

You were inspired. I was putting off doing my run today (I usually do it at 5am and if I don't do it then, it may not get done!) and then I clicked on your page-which I haven't visited in a long time-and you totally inspired me to just go out and do it. I felt much better after getting it done and have you to thank for it. So don't give up! (:

April said...

You are so funny! I felt that very burn just last week. I am mad at the tredmill right now!

Well said about prop 8. I am just always amazed with how you get your opinions and thoughts out in words so clearly. I wish I had that talent! You are awesome! Call me girl!

Jessica said...

Yay for running! I'm preparing to run an half marathon in Feb. Keep it up Nikki!